So, been working on this. Fixing a game that seemingly got cut off in development but shipped anyways. It's been fun actually, and a weird challenge. We produced a trailer showing off some of the highlights of the update. You might recognize the voice. Also I done all the editing and fx, I miss doing trailers! It's been a month, she says. She's right. She's always right. It's been a month.
I've been busy! But not much to show for it. I've been reworking the site, drumming up old contacts, checking for job listings, sending the applications out, searching for new contacts, new contracts...anything new. Audio is a tough gig, lots of competition and some great people to compete with. Even with as many years as I've been doing this, with as many credits as I have there's always a tough break needed to get into the next spot. What has to break this time? So I guess I need to just feed like my Twitter and Facebook stuff here cause I rarely update it. It's a blog, it's an update, it's a where am I now.
Currently, I no longer work for n-Space. Spinning up freelance and looking for the next gig. There's opportunity all around, you just need to know how to look and be ready to strike when it does. Yeah, maybe I'll just feed my twitterings through here so you don't have to read nonsense like that above. Just keepin busy yo.
Yo. Working on new Skylanders and a few other projects unannounced. Rubicon released their bowling game too but can't find vids, reviews or anything really but I assure you it exists. Updating site though, that's got to count for something. Been busy like usual. Heroes of Ruin is out in the US in just a couple of days. It's already been out in UK regions and I believe Australia. Doing pretty good I think. Out this week also is a Kinect Title we did for Wrigleys called 5 Micro Challenge, to promote their new micro packs of gum. Also Great Big War Game should be out soonish as well, I believe just waiting on the go ahead from Apple. Back to work!
is the second part of the interview with me about Heroes of Ruin.
Part 2 coming... soon I think? Ha, didn't even know they were going to put this up. |
About Tony
With a degree in Archives
July 2017