They say... They say if you're not going to update your blog regularly, don't keep one. I say pah! This is true, yet I still say pah!
Still cranking away for Power Rangers additional content. Epic Little War Game is out! NBA Live 18 was announced! While I was at EA, the Madden 18 team needed some extra voice bits done. A group of us went in for chants and one-offs. I heard through the grapevine that a lot of my takes are being used in the game which is of course awesome. Go Go Overbooking Rangers!So after doing VO for Subnautica and a PAX VR demo of Depth, I got straight away to work on Power Rangers: Legacy Wars. That has been a blast and is still currently a blast as we've shipped, but now we're releasing additional content!
And because I thought I could challenge myself I took a on-site contract postion with EA for a few months working on NBA Live 18. Learned a lot, great people, great company. Now that's done and I'm doing the follow on work for Power Rangers and spinning up for Rubicon's Epic Little War Game, which is going to be a sizeable upgrade from previous installments in that it is being developed for PC's from the get go. THis means new voices, new music and who knows what else in store. After some thin months at the end of 2016 some gigs finally came through. Oh of course the Subnautica update is out and I think people dig it. Haven't heard about what was used in Depth. Doing some remote work for a dev in San Francisco and might start some in house work after the new year. We'll see. I'll post more when I can post more!
Been doing some straight up VO work recently which has been fun, rewarding. I'm really thinking about expanding voice acting beyond games, but I'll start with what I know. Certainly having connections and knowing developers everywhere has helped me so far, but really want to solidify voice!
Latest update to Alone In The Dark: Illumination is out. Here's the ding dang trailer I made for it. Yes I did all the voices as well. aND MY KEYBOARD IS STUCK IN cAPS!
iT'S NOT THE WORST PROBLEM TO HAVE, FOR SURE. bUT iT'S MAKING TYPING FUN. Oh, there it goes. Sometimes you just have to jiggle the wires a little bit. Kids, remember to jiggle the wires.
When you think of a blog, you think... I'm gonna write in that every day!
Then you get a blog and end up posting in it maybe once a month? And for who? Just to keep up and give a sense of regularity? I've got plenty to say, right? I've got plenty to talk about, right? Why not blog about it? First, I don't like the way I have it setup. I have to go into my web page editor, go to the blog page, add a text field, write blog, save, publish. Would love to have as many steps removed as possible. Set it up like Facebook where the top line is asking you to type something. Hit "post" and its there. This way I could even do it reom;ujjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj See that? Just 3 months shy of a year since the initial launch on PC comes Sword Coast Legends to XB1 and PS4. Now you can waggle your sticks with hot achievements and trophies or whatever they collect now.
About Tony
With a degree in Archives
July 2017